Atari 2600
Released 1981
Aaaah, saving the best for last. Good old Yars' Revenge. This, in my humble opinion, was one of, if not the best games on the Atari 2600. It's genuinely unique gameplay, exciting (for its time) visuals and sound, along with tight controls really make it one of the best on the system. There's no other game on the Atari quite like Yars' Revenge.
In case you're unfamiliar with this little gem, you control a small fly known as a Yar. The Yar can be moved all over the screen, and the fire button fires a single shot from the Yar. On the right side of the screen is a large base of blocks surrounding an enemy known as the Qotile (sic). In the middle of the screen is a field of static, which provides the Yar with immunity against the slowly moving enemy torpedo that tracks the Yar around the screen.

Your goal is to destroy the Qotile. You first must punch a hole in its shield by either shooting it with your gun, or nibbling at it. While you're nibbling or shooting, the small torpedo is trying to destroy you, and occasionally the Qotile itself will become a spinning blade and streak across the screen at the Yar in an attempt to destroy you. The static field in the middle can protect you from the torpedo, but not the Qotile.
Once you've punched a hole in the shield, you have to fly in and touch the Qotile. Once you do that, a "Zorlon Cannon" appears on the far left side of the screen directly in line with the Yar. Hitting the fire button will fire the cannon across the screen, hopefully hitting the Qotile, destroying it. Since the Qotile base is always in motion, good timing is required.
The game is definitely far more involving and complex than most games of its age, yet still manages to be playable, fun, and best of all, fair. It's only fitting that it's the last Atari game I review. It was my favorite, and honestly gives us a glimpse into how the game industry began to evolve and grow. As we step into the N.E.S. generation, fundamentally unique game concepts like Yars' Revenge start cropping up everywhere.
Now playing: Type O Negative - In Praise Of Bacchus
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