Hi, I'm Isaac. I'm 25 years old, and I love video games. I love big budget blockbuster video games, and I love cheap, quick development cycle video games. I love NES games and I love 360 games. I love single player games, and I love multiplayer games. I don't love most PC games, but I do love Doom II and Infocom games. I'm not sure how I feel about online multiplayer, but I'm sure that I love Xbox Arcade. I've tried for years to love RPGs, but the fact is, they ain't for me.
My dirty secret is that I'm not very good at video games. My hand-eye is not up to task.
I believe that we are expiriencing an unparallelled golden age of video gaming. Games can be a deep as San Andreas, and can be a elegant as Geometry Wars. Old games are seeing new life through download. Nintendo keeps doing crazy stuff with styluses and sensors, and with the 360, we've seen the best controller yet.
I own about 150 games for 14 systems, and I own a six hundred dollar joystick, but I won't buy a PS3 at the current price point.
This is my gamercard:
I'll probably friend you if you want me to.
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