My name is Adam and I'm a bit of a gadget and video game junkie. I'm 26, and like Isaac, I've been playing console games since I was old enough to hold a controller. I still have my Atari 2600 with the receipt dated exactly 2 weeks after I was born. I clearly remember watching my mom play Circus Atari and being mesmerized by it.
When it comes to my modern day playing habits, I do have a full-time job, attend college, and I do make attempts to remain social with friends and family. However, I still play typically around 10 hrs a week.
I enjoy pretty much any genre, the only real exception would be sports sims. Can't really see the appeal there. I'm currently hooked on World of Warcraft, and have also spent some time with other online RPGs such as Final Fantasy XI and Guild Wars. I've put 170hrs into Oblivion and still haven't gotten bored. I've beaten the original Resident Evil over 20 times and could do it practically in my sleep. I've seen every ending to the original Chrono Trigger, owning it both on SNES and Playstation. The first game I ever finished was the original Metal Gear on NES. I finished it on April 10th 1989 at around 5am (I had a report due that day in Social Studies). I have 106" HD projector specifically for gaming. I'm obviously pretty committed to enjoying my hobby to it's fullest extent.
I can't say I have a favorite genre, but I suppose if you need an idea of what types of games I really love, I'll list some of my all time favorites. This should help you decide whether my reviews will help you decide on a game or not.
Thanks for reading!
Shadow of the Colossus
Beyond Good and Evil
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Metal Gear Solid 3
Super Metroid
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy VI
GTA San Andreas
Chrono Trigger
LOTZ A Link to the Past
...and on and on and on. You get the idea.
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