"Let's see who's on the line..."
Another game that I had low hopes for, but ended up pleasantly surprised. What could have been the ultimate letdown, turned out to be quite a competent shooter. It has a unique twist or two to help it stand out in the crowd as well.
Visually, the game relies heavily on the normal mapping techniques that wowed everyone 2 years ago on the original Xbox. There are a few touches here and there that make it look more "next-gen", but it isn't quite there in my opinion. Everything is crisp and vivid, but relying so much on normal mapping tends to make everything feel like an action-figure after a while. It gets the job done, but doesn't really immerse you.
Gameplay is pretty standard fare FPS. The twists I mentioned come in the form of unique weaponry and... unusual physics. The portal technology had a few high points, but rarely lived up to their potential (see Valve's upcoming game "Portal" for an example of how th

Story plays a major part in Prey, and it does hit all the right marks. Likable characters, reluctant hero, and a solid, legitimate ending. The story won't win any awards, but it doesn't feel tacked on.
The major detractor is that the game is just too easy. You will probably realize after you 'die' once or twice, that you are technically immortal. When your health is exhausted, you spend a few seconds s

In the end, the game really is only worth a rental.
The multiplayer adds little to nothing to the package. It is barebones. Deathmatch and Team deathmatch. Welcome to 1998.
For a game in development for around 8 years, I expected more from the multiplayer. Both Half-lifes, both Halos, and every single Splintercell game has come out since the first gameplay videos of Prey multiplayer were shown ages ago. In all that time, they made around 8 maps, with 2 gameplay modes. Very sad.
As it stands, Prey is a game that's just "pretty good." We should be happy with that. Asking for more might have meant we wouldn't have seen the game until after 2010 on the Playstation4. Check out the demo on Live Marketplace for a healthy sample of the game.
Personal Grade: B
Objective Score: 55%
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