Star Raiders

Atari 2600
Released 1982

This game is too complex for it's own good.
It requires you to use a secondary keypad controller with a plastic overlay, but most of the time you never actually make it to that point in the game.
It's apparently some sort of real-time strategy game mixed with space combat, but the 2600 was quite obviously incapable of pulling it off. From what I gather from the manual, you first must fight off a wave of enemies before you can access the star map. Fighting off enemies is a first person affair where you can slightly alter your flight path and try to get enemies into the cross-hairs. After you destroy the enemies, you computer will let you know that the area is clear, after which you need to bring up the star map and locate other enemy groups. The enemy groups will be trying to destroy your bases, and you must stop them by warping to them and entering the first person space combat game again.
The actual space combat is practically unplayable. I can only recall once as a child actually seeing the star map, and that was when an adult was playing. Even now, at 26, I couldn't get past the awful shooting stage.
This game is bad.

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