Adam: Mario was originally a carpenter. Only in Mario Bros did he become a plumber. that's why he is climbing girders, using a hammer, and... saving women from monkeys? Not sure about that last part. But Mario was originally a carpenter.
Stephanie: I wonder what made him change professions.
Adam: He dabbled a bit in the medical field back in the late 80's. He doesn't even have a job anymore. Just parties all the time.
Stephanie: I think he is busy cleaning graffiti. Last time he and I hung out, Luigi was vacuuming a ghost house.
Adam: The Mario Bros. don't save the world anymore obviously. They just party party party, then spend a few days cleaning up.
Mike: Lest we not forget his stint as an artist.
Adam: Jack of all trades, master of none. That's how I look at it. You can't really depend on the Mario Bros., if you ask me.
Stephanie: They don't come across as competent plumbers to me.
Isaac: Hey. You go into the sewers and kill man-sized crabs. Then you can attack the Mario Bros.' plumbing chops.
Mike: This is true. I think they need to work on their navigational skills though. I mean, how many fucking castles do you go to before you think to yourself, "ya know, I think I should make sure my princess IS in this castle."
Isaac: I think someone's feeding him bad intel.
Mike: I knew that fucking Toad was no good!
Stephanie: Who is the architect for these castles? Why are there so many pits? I can't imagine anyone wanting to live there. The resale value must be horrible.
Isaac: Well, in 3 and and in World, Mario just destroys those things. Torched earth policy. So, the Koopa Clan would be able to collect on the insurance.
Stephanie: Well they are mostly dead.
Isaac: That's a good point. Mario has killed, what? 15 of King Koopa's children? There is no chance of truce.
Stephanie: Basically they were living in their graves.
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