5. California Games

California Games
Atari 2600

California Games is a package of four “extreme” “sports” "games" for the Atari.  They are Skateboarding, Biking, Surfing, and Hacky Sack. That’s right, there exists a hacky sack simulator for the Atari. I spent today playing it. This is how I’m choosing to spend my life, playing virtual hacky sack running on an Atari VCS. 

I will share with y’all the best thing about this game. From the manual “After each event, 'Louie, Louie' will play, signifying the end of the event.”  That is the bes way to end a timed video game event I've ever heard of.  That is the best way to end anything ever. Louie Louie should be the signifier for the end of all things, not just “extreme” “sport” competitions. If you have to fire someone, just call them into your office and play Louie Louie. It will soften the blow. What could some lame eulogy communicate that couldn’t more eloquently be said by Louie Louie?

When my girlfriend dumps my ass for some Italian haberdasherer, I hope she break the news to me by way of Louie Louie. I’ll understand. 

1 comment:

Adam said...

And all this time I though Hacky-sack was a bastard child of the 90's.
Guess I didn't pay enough attention to what the california kids were doing in the 80's.