14. Football

 Atari 2600

I remembered this game as being awful.  Football is is complex sport, and the Atari was a simple, one-button computer.  It is the sort of game that just seems like it should be terrible by dint of existing.  So I was quite surprised to find that it is quite a fun little two-player game.

 My cousin and I played a good, tight game with lots of turnovers and reversals and a pretty high score. It was a good game despite the fact that we spent the entire game trying to figure out how to play it. Or maybe it was so fun BECAUSE we spent the entire game trying to figure it out. I still don’t know how to choose plays, and I don’t understand why a failed pass is an automatic turnover, but at the end of the game I felt like I had played a game of football, VCS style. 

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