My Xbox 360 suffered the red ring of death in January.
I sent said it in for repairs, since it was still under warranty.
3 weeks later, I had to take a 45 minute drive to the Fed Ex Ground shipping center in order to sign for my Xbox.
A week or two later, the Xbox suffered yet another red ring of death.
I sent it in for repairs again, with only 1 month left on my warranty.
3 weeks later, I'm trying to find out if there is a way to avoid driving half-way to Cleveland to pick up my 360.
Microsoft outstanding India Customer Support group advised me that the only way I can have my 360 shipped to my place of work (so I may sign for it) is if I wait 4 days for FedEx to ship it back to the Texas service center, then wait another 5 business days for it to be shipped back to me.
I was actually considering buying Burnout Paradise for 360 this weekend so that I might pla

I will advise anyone to take time and consider their options when shopping for a next gen system these days. The 360 certainly has the better library, but you should pray to whatever gods you believe in that the thing actually lasts you more than 2 years.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, I own 3 PSPs for various reasons. My slim PSP started acting up just after my 360 died the 2nd time. I contacted Sony, they sent me an empty box, and a new slim PSP was delivered to me today. I also, strangely enough, was able to speak to an American customer support rep at Sony, whereas even the supervisors at Microsoft had trouble pronouncing my name.
Microsoft gives folks a free 30 day subscription card to XBox Live to anyone with a busted 360. This simply makes it so I don't actually have to pay for the month of Xbox Live that I couldn't use because I had no xbox.
Microsoft's repair program is a joke, and I just want to make sure folks are aware of this.
edit: FedEx managed to over-ride Microsoft and was able to re-route the shipment to my workplace, so it all worked out. I was tempted to take this down, but I'm still quite disappointed in Microsoft's handling of the situation over the past 2 months.
Now playing: Sarah McLachlan - Sweet Surrender (Dj Tiesto Remix)
via FoxyTunes
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